End-To-End, How Do We Better Produce Gene Therapies?
Friday, January 19, 2024 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM · 1 hr. (US/Eastern)
Gene Therapy Manufacturing
Theatre 2
Nathalie Clement, Vice President, Vector Development, Translational Gene Therapies, Siren Biotechnology
12.30pm Presentation: Strategic Considerations for Viral Vector Platforms
Ian Goodwin, Director of Program Design and CMC Strategy for Advanced Therapies, FUJIFILM DIOSYNTH Biotechnologies
12.45pm Presentation: Manufacturing AAV Therapies for Ultra-Rare Disorders: The Perspective of a Small, Virtual Biotech Company
Chris Lorenz, Chief Technology Officer, Mahzi Therapeutics
1.00pm Presentation
George Buchman, Research Fellow, Catalent Cell & Gene Therapy
1.15pm Q&A
Gene Therapy

Chris Lorenz
Chief Technical OfficerMahzi Therapeutics
Nathalie Clement
Vice President, Vector Development, Translational Gene TherapiesSiren Biotechnology
Ian Goodwin
Director of Program Design and CMC Strategy for Advanced TherapiesFUJIFILM DioSynth
George Buchman
Research FellowCatalent Cell & Gene TherapyDocuments & Links
George BuchmanAAV End-To-End