Decentralized Manufacturing for Cell Therapies

Decentralized Manufacturing for Cell Therapies

Thursday, January 18, 2024 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM · 1 hr. 30 min. (US/Eastern)
Cell Therapy Manufacturing
Theatre 1


3pm Chair Introduction

Miguel Forte, Chief Executive Officer, Kiji Therapeutics, President-Elect, ISCT

3.05pm Presentation Title: Point of Care Manufacturing at an Academic Center: Increasing Accessibility to Cell Therapies

  • Discuss benefits of point of care manufacturing over traditional third-party manufacturing paradigms
  • Review outcomes with CliniMACS Prodigy Manufacturing at an Academic Center

Nirav Shah, Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical College Wisconsin

3.20pm Presentation: Enabling Decentralized Manufacturing By Metabolic Sensing And Control, Machine Learning And AI. The ADVA X3 Case Study

  • Taking the human error and variation out of cell therapy manufacturing
  • Automating cell therapy manufacturing based on metabolic sensing and feedback loops.
  • Ensuring the correct process outcome using online data and machine learning.
  • Process optimization and predictability using AI
  • Adva X3 CAR T case studies

Ohad Karnieli, Chief Executive Officer, ADVA

3.35pm Presentation: Joining Forces For Distributed Manufacturing - Here We Are

  • Why
  • How
  • Who
  • Status

Dorothea Ledergerber, Chief Technical Officer, Tigen

3.50pm Presentation Title: The Inevitability of Decentralizing Advanced Therapies Manufacturing (and the tug-of-war on the way to this future)

  • Where is the line between decentralized, distributed, and point-of-care manufacturing?
  • Does the point-of-care manufacturing model require hospitals to manufacture?
  • Does decentralized or POC manufacturing require a different biopharma business model?

Lee Buckler, Senior Vice President, Blood Centers for America

4.05pm Panel Discussion

Joined by all session participants

Cell Therapy

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