Ensuring Quality of Product Throughout Gene Therapy Production, Manufacture and Scale-Up
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM · 1 hr. (US/Eastern)
Gene Therapy Manufacturing
Theatre 2
Nathalie Clement, Vice President, Vector Development, Translational Gene Therapies, Siren Biotechnology
1pm Presentation Title: Building and Maintaining Quality in a New Gene Therapy Manufacturing Facility
Sarah Thomas, Senior Vice President, Quality, REGENXBIO
1.15pm Presentation Title: Navigating Complexities of Viral Vector Production for Gene Therapies
- Learn about standardizing LVV and AAV production to streamline the path to GMP
- Explore comprehensive analytical panels that can accelerate your clinical journey
Francesca Bellintani, MSAT Director, AGC Biologics
1.30pm Presentation
Alex Bloom, Chief Technology Officer, AviadoBio
1.45pm Presentation Title: Exploring the Future of Scalable Gene Therapies
- Exploration of the next several years of gene therapy development, looking at the evolution of the gene therapy manufacturing platform.
- Evaluation of who of the industry is pursuing stable producer cell lines, how are they pursuing, and what are the biggest hurdles.
- A look at how CMOs can play a critical role in this industry evolution, with commentary on the potential risks and rewards for engaging with these organizations.
Peter Walters, Fellow, Advanced Therapies, CRB Group
Gene Therapy

Sarah Thomas
Senior Vice President, QualityREGENXBIO
Francesca Bellintani
MSAT DirectorAGC Biologics
Peter Walters
Fellow - Advanced TherapiesCRB
Nathalie Clement
Vice President, Vector Development, Translational Gene TherapiesSiren Biotechnology
Jorge Valdez
Associate Director, Process DevelopmentNvelop Therapeutics